Monday 30 May 2011


늘 내게 사람들은 그런다.
자신있어 보인다고. 쿨해보인다고.
그런데 말이다.실은 잘 모르는 소리다.
실패하는게 두려워 대안책을 몇개나 세워두어서 그로인해 하는일은 2배가 되니 바쁘다.
마음이 괴로워 손에 아무것도 일이 잡히지 않으면
미친듯이 짐에 가서 운동을 한다.울어도 보고 다른이에게 전화를 해도 결국엔 또 마음에 응어리 지는 것을 경험해서 이제는 안한다.
때로는 사람들이랑 얘기해도 가끔은 늘 혼자있는 것 같아서 차라리 혼자 영화를 보거나 책을 보거나 전시회를 간다.그러다 보면 작품이 내게 말을 걸고 나도 말을 한다.
예전에는 현실이 갑갑하면 말도 안되는 상상을 했다.그저 상상만 하다가 그쳤다.
그런데 요즘 하나 배웠다. 이 감정을 이 사색을 현실에 옮기는 법을 말이다. 비디오도 만들어보고 그래픽 디자인도 해보고 비지니스모델로도 만들어보고...그리고 나름 내가 이상하다고 생각했던 것도 다른사람 보기에도 좋더란 말이다.
오늘은 내가 디자인한 티셔츠를 공모전에 내보았다.그러고나니 서울에서 버리지 못한 감정을 비로소 내려놓았다.
나는 이렇게 또 하나 터득한 것이다.아주 좋은 방향으로

그리고 정말 내가 하고 싶은 일도 찾았고 방황의 폭은 좁혀졌다.이제 10년 뒤도 바라볼 수 있다.꽤 근사하다.
여전히 답이 없는 문제도 있지만 지금처럼 또 견뎌낼 것이고 훌륭하게 극복할 것이다.

울고짜고화내고 그런 감정들의 발산을 절제하고 추스르고 그래도 남아있는 것은 보기좋게 처리하는 법을 배워나가는게 중요한 것 같다. 그러니깐 나도 남들처럼 다 느끼고 혼자서 엄청 후회하고 고민하고 좌절하는데 나는 내 힘으로 잘 다스리고 싶고 앞으로도 그러고 싶다는 거다.

그런데 참 괴로울때가 있다. 그래서 내가 신앙을 갖고 싶어하는 것일테다. 신과 완벽히 공유할 수 있다면 내가 이 세상으로부터 참 보호받고 있는 느낌을 받을 수 있다면 얼마나 좋을까라고 생각한다. 앞으로 더 힘든 일이 찾아오면 내가 배운 방법으로도 안되면 그 때는 어떨까 걱정이지만 두려워하지는 않기로 했다.

Thursday 26 May 2011

The presentation about marketing strategy of Burberry

She is the heroine who makes burberry revive.


오피스룩과 타협을 할 것인가?

지루한 사람들과 타협할 것인가?

이 다음에 절대 양보 안해줘도 되는 날까지 참자.
때가 오면 절대 내 마음대로 할 수 있을 때 까지.

Monday 23 May 2011

vaction-Penny Pincher

Saturday 21 May 2011

Nicola Formichetti: Lady Gaga Inspired Styles

I love his design.
Just his works are what I wear.

more info: article from vice magazine

Monday 16 May 2011

Thursday 12 May 2011

My Sad Self by Allen Ginsberg

My Sad Self

To Frank O’Hara

Sometimes when my eyes are red
I go up on top of the RCA Building
and gaze at my world, Manhattan—
my buildings, streets I’ve done feats in,
lofts, beds, coldwater flats
—on Fifth Ave below which I also bear in mind,
its ant cars, little yellow taxis, men
walking the size of specks of wool—
Panorama of the bridges, sunrise over Brooklyn machine,
sun go down over New Jersey where I was born
& Paterson where I played with ants—
my later loves on 15th Street,
my greater loves of Lower East Side,
my once fabulous amours in the Bronx
paths crossing in these hidden streets,
my history summed up, my absences
and ecstasies in Harlem—
—sun shining down on all I own
in one eyeblink to the horizon
in my last eternity—
matter is water.

I take the elevator and go
down, pondering,
and walk on the pavements staring into all man’s
plateglass, faces,
questioning after who loves,
and stop, bemused
in front of an automobile shopwindow
standing lost in calm thought,
traffic moving up & down 5th Avenue blocks behind me
waiting for a moment when ...

Time to go home & cook supper & listen to
the romantic war news on the radio
... all movement stops
& I walk in the timeless sadness of existence,
tenderness flowing thru the buildings,
my fingertips touching reality’s face,
my own face streaked with tears in the mirror
of some window—at dusk—
where I have no desire—
for bonbons—or to own the dresses or Japanese
lampshades of intellection—

Confused by the spectacle around me,
Man struggling up the street
with packages, newspapers,
ties, beautiful suits
toward his desire
Man, woman, streaming over the pavements
red lights clocking hurried watches &
movements at the curb—

And all these streets leading
so crosswise, honking, lengthily,
by avenues
stalked by high buildings or crusted into slums
thru such halting traffic
screaming cars and engines
so painfully to this
countryside, this graveyard
this stillness
on deathbed or mountain
once seen
never regained or desired
in the mind to come
where all Manhattan that I’ve seen must disappear.

simple but very gentle touch.

Classic man is always stunning.
Even he could be more dashing when he peacock with pocketchief.

Tuesday 10 May 2011

The key of stealing mind.

가끔 그런 생각을 한다.
온갖 근사한 미사여구를 생각하고
가장 사람의 마음을 매료시킬 만한 방법을 고안해보고
꿈꿔봤을 직한 순간들을 현실화시킬 수단을 모색보지만
정말 원하는거는 단 하나가 아닐까?
모든 사람들이 바라는거는 단 하나이고
이런 세상에 더욱 절실한 것,
얼굴을 보지 않아도 디지털로 소통이 가능한 이 시대가
가장 간절하게 구하는 그 것,
바로 진실.
내가 누리는 것 혹은 나를 둘러싼 모든 것들
정말 손가락 사이로 빠져나가는 모래같이 너무 불안한 것
같아도 그 사이에 궁극적으로 내 손에 어둠 속 한 줄기 빛마냥 확신을 주는 그 무엇.
모든 것들이 사라지는 와중에도 그 존재함으로써 그 가치를 입증하는 그 무엇.

커뮤니케이션 수단이 증가하고 마케팅 수단이 다양해지고 온갖 경영비법을 지칭하는 새로운 단어들이 늘어가지만
그럴 수록 왜 이런 현상이 이러났는지를 간과하는 것 같다. 사람들이 원하고 내가 원하는 것은 진실인데 말이다.

이런 점에서 영국패션브랜드는 요즘 정말 필요로하는 마케팅을 하고 있는 것 같다. 미국처럼 공략적인 마케팅 능력은 떨어지지만 또 프랑스처럼 오뜨꾸뛰르 소비계층을 노리는 고급마케팅전략을 따라 갈 수 없지만
이들은 오랜 전통을 현대화시키는 능력만큼은 정말 탁월한 것 같다. 버버리의 디지털 마케팅, 던힐의 젠틀맨 클럽을 통한 리브랜딩, 새빌로우 브랜드의 온라인몰 런칭 등..
그들의 헤리티지에 대한 자부심과 이를 스토리화시키는 창조적인 전략이 맞물려 수백년 전통을 이어올 수 있다고 생각한다. 클래식이 지니는 진짜 내공이다.
물론 그 내공을 제대로 발현시키는 것은 마케터의 힘이라고 생각한다.

요새는 패션잡지를 뒤적이거나 백화점 시장조사를 하다보면 정말 울렁거린다. 쏘씩하다고 할까...
그런데 새빌로우를 걸으면 마음이 평화롭다. 테일러들의 섬세하고 정성어린 손길, 마호가니 진열대의 정갈하게 놓인 수트와 가죽 액세서리 그리고 점원의 제품에 대한 자신감에 찬 친절한 설명, 그리고 책장에 가득 색이 바랜 가죽바인더에 묶인 두터운 고객 장부를 보자면...
그런 걸 느낀다. 결코 져버리지 않을 신뢰.
이게 바로 진짜구나. 라는 감동이 든다.

어디서 온지도 출저도 불명확한 제품에 허상 뿐인 로고를 박아 마음대로 사람들의 몸을 재단하여 여기에 맞추라고 규격화 된 옷을 판매하는 그런 브랜드랑은 다르다. 명품브랜드도 마찬가지이다. 물론 퀼리티나 디자인면에서는 우수하지만 나머지는 다른 하이패션스트리트와 마찬가지이다. 조금더 섬세하고 치밀하다는 거..
하지만 참 그것도 정말 어려운 일인 것 같다.

17th century Gentlemen

Classic yet timeless

What is future for savile row?

No1.Savile Row


Monday 9 May 2011

Crazy Pig Designs London

Over 60 designs of skull rings, skull necklaces,
Over 55 skull pendants, skull charms, skull cufflinks, skull wallet chains, skull key chains.
All these are hand made in London.
Every item we sell is manufacture on the premises at CRAZY PIG DESIGNS.
Armand SERRA created his first skull ring in the early eighties, while working in Carnaby Street, rock jewellery and skull jewellery basically was non existent.
One of the most copied skull rings is the Large Evil Skull Ring. Originally made for himself (Armand), it attracted a lot of interest from many rock musicians and friends.
CLIFF BURTON Skull Ring as well as JAMES HETHFIELD Skull Ring were made soon after using Armand’s first Evil Skull Ring and Wolf Ring.
Often copied, but never equalled CRAZY PIG DESIGNS is the “ KING of the Skull Ring ” as often labelled in Japan.
The names our skull rings have now entered the cult status
The KEITH’s RING ( not our official name)
The LEMOLA Skull Ring
The SMALL EVIL Skull Ring
or MINI EVIL Skull Ring

Also available the bespoke skull ring and skull jewellery collection, in 18 carat gold, 9 carat gold, white gold, 18 & 9 carat platinum with black diamonds, white diamonds, sapphires, rubies, emeralds, any custom combination is available as shown on our website:

As well as a large choice of three dimensional skull rings, and pendants, the traditional design of the skull & cross bones is also well catered.
You can find, skull & cross bones rings (at least 10 designs of choice) skull & cross bones pendants, skulls & cross bones bracelets, skull & cross bones cufflinks, skull chains, and skull bracelets in various sizes , from the smallest ( the size of a small bead) to the biggest , used for Skull wallet chains.

Gothic jewellery can be of the highest standard, we cover a wide range of Gothic ring, and Gothic Pendants. Also in Black ONYX rings and ONYX necklaces and Gothic style jewellery.
Classic Silver Crosses form our very Large Gothic cross pendant to the small Gothic cross, (another classic piece of gothic jewellery).

Celtic jewellery collection
A constant classic, celtic bands, celtic rings, celtic knots bracelets, celtic pendants, celtic crosses and earrings have always been part of our regular stock. Theses of course can be ordered in precious metals gold and platinium or customised to order.

The above styles are kind of main stay but there’s a lot more at CRAZY PIG DESIGNS
Fleur De Lys Jewellery and classic jewellery as well as animal jewellery (featuring various animals as the design for the jewellery) the most famous being the Wolf ring that Armand made for CLIFF BURTON In the early days of jewellery design. Also world famous is JAMES HETHFIELD wolf pendant, lion ring, bear ring, pig ring, gorilla ring, tiger ring, dolphin ring, shark ring, shark pendant, and many more... (please check website or store)

Includes horseshoe ring, sacred heart, heart and wings ring, dice rings, ace of spades rings, maltese cross, music, star rings, heart, wing, feather pendants and feather earrings. Again the list is endless.

38 Short's Gardens
London WC2 H9AB
Tel/Fax: +44 (0)207 2404305

Sunday 8 May 2011

Sir Tom Baker

Rock'n'roll bespoke suit

Tom Baker specialises in both traditional and avant-garde bespoke tailoring. He trained for five years at Hardy Amies (Savile Row) until 1996 when he founded Sir Tom Baker in Soho, London. It was on Savile Row that he was taught to cut and fit in the most classical English way.
This traditional training combined with natural flair has put him at the forefront of bespoke tailoring today. His ability and willingness to work closely with each and every customer has earned him a loyal following, attracting television personalities, musicians, actors, artists, captains of the industry and politicians to the door. These include Robert Plant (Led Zeppelin), James Corden, Rhys Ifans, Alan Carr, Stephen Jones (milliner), David Hasselhoff, Liam Howlett/Keith Flint of the Prodigy and Sir Menzies Campbell MP to name but a few.

Whilst we offer a house style which is based on the London Cut (sharp shoulder/accentuated waist/clean trouser line) we are also well known for design interpretation and flexibility.

We work strictly in the traditional British bespoke manner (template development, fittings process etc.) and take pride in our repeat custom; all suits are cut, sewn and finished by hand on site under Tom’s personal supervision. His obsession with detail and perfection has earned him considerable respect from fellow tailors and designers. He is widely acknowledged as an innovator and whilst he maintains Savile Row techniques he constantly evolves modern menswear style. As a result his work is regularly featured in a variety of media including the press, television and red carpet events.

4 D’Arblay Street
London W1F 8DJ
020 7437 3366

Mannequin lying down on the floor

They need a off-day for relieving from exhausting labour;Don't move, Keep same pose for a whole day for a whole week.

I need some sleep..peaceful sleep


cox cookies&cake


wristband design draft

with engraved word service

Thursday 5 May 2011

Diet coke X Karl Lagerfeld

This is about how branding works.
The meaning of brand is originated from old Norse word 'Brena' which means to burn.
By Burning signs onto cattle skin, farmers could demonstrate their ownership.
Yes, Branding is a mean of differentiation.
Coke and Karl just are playing game by using their image.
Is it so snobby or making you sick? No..They're clever.
If you get commercial image,Sell it! why not?

Alexander McQueen-Savage Beauty

I want to walk through dark and romantic path.
Actually, gothic world is very very romantic.
Dark and mysterious harbour has some things,which miserably could not be understood by common people.
So those people like Alexander McQueen create another world looks alien from earth for letting them take breath.

Juan Zelada - So it is

Tuesday 3 May 2011

The naked and Famous-Girls like you

Run, whirlwind run
Further and further away
Into the sun
In, 20 minutes
Everyone will remember you when you're gone
And your heart, is a stone
Buried underneath your pretty clothes
Don't you know people write songs about girls like you?

What will you do when something stops you?
What will you say to the world?
What will you be when it all comes crashing
Down on you little girl?
What would you do if you lost your beauty?
How would you deal with the light?
How would you feel if nobody chased you?
What if it happened tonight?

How would you cope it the world decided to
Make you suffer for all that you were?
How could you dance if no-one was watching
And you couldn't even care if they were?
What would you do if you couldn't even feel?
Not even pitiful pain
How would you deal if the indecisions
Eating away at the days?

Don't you know people write songs about girls like you?
About girls like you
About girl like you
Don't you know people write songs about girls like you?
About girls like you
About girl like you

Everything you say is higher
All the things that make you lighter
Everything you say is higher
See it in the grey you crier

Don't you know people write songs about girls like you?
About girls like you
About girl like you
Everything you say is higher
All the things that make you lighter
Everything you say is higher
See it in the grey you crier

The end of story

I stop reading the book.
It's not because that I feel bored and I am afraid of taking the end of story,even not the other book distracts my attention from the book.

Monday 2 May 2011

Hiroshi Sugimoto

One of my favorite photographer.
Very simple and modern. there is no human figure in his lens.
His photo is configured simple diagram. The line dividing the scene into half horizontally or vertically gives some sacred thing to me. It makes me realised how much I am so small, and how amazing I am involved in huge world.


Roll the dice

Sunday 1 May 2011

A Little girl in white dress

I love the point that a little girl has a dream to be princess or be Actress.
Her dream won't come true but dream should be respected and it just represents purity which is the one all we lost.

In Hyde Park on Royal Wedding day.

Close eyes

Close my eyes, see my mind.
