Monday 18 April 2011


Finally, I see her!! It's so dramatic and unrealistic.
She was singing less 10m far from me.
She is very clever cuz she's employed amazing choreographer who makes theatrical movement for overcoming that her short and slim body can't make dramatic impact alone. she's gently danced like gesture, but muscled and perfect body-fit dancers let her motion highlight and boost by doing dance which seems like almost modern ballet.
I think the reason that she keeps her career until now is her charming voice..sometimes like humming.
She knows how to maximise her vocal color to be appealing to people..someone criticises her woe-begone sighs.
Yes, her songs could be said that it is soooo cheesy.
But why do people eat candy even they know it's just sugar and nothing else?
Because It's pleasure..lick and roll it in your mouth and taste sweeties slowly,deeply. It's all about something that.
the image of Kylie is all about fantasy of that.So I've love her since I was 14years old and I admire her tactic and really enjoy it. Should I be shame on that or feel guilty?

12th April
In the o2 arena London

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