Friday 21 January 2011

Your question and answer.

In my dream,
you asked my view or opinion about the strange comment from a mysterious artist.
The comment said that people think white is just white, the colour of white could not be described in many way and white ends in white. However, the artist mentioned they are all wrong.

I thought,firstly, you're always lovely quirky,eccentric.Yes, that is the way you are. you brought something weird and crazy man's writing and then asked or tested me, now. At the same time, His comment stimulated my curiosity, I paused for reaching his true mind.
I gave you my view on the comment. "because the artist thought the color of white could be categorized into various ways,like yellowish-white, grey-white, or blue-white. He's quite sensitive to distinguish difference between colors, even slight thing. So, My answer could be a proper response about the comment and your question?"

Expectedly, you'd got unexpected answer. This point's always driven me irresistible on your cast,and hung on the memories. Even in my dream, you can step into.

"No, the artist was allowed to see only one color, white, for whole his life. His studio was painted white on all the wall. He didn't know any other color, more precise, never seen other colors.His drawings could look just daubed white. But, if the one is only exposed in the world which is just full of one color, the one could have sense and skill to express one's mind by one color. The color we called red,blue and black could be in the artist's world. He could recognize differences among whites, as like we distinguish red and blue. Boram, He saw only one color during entire his life, there was no any other one. He might see millions different color in the one called white"

How amazing and adorable you are!

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